Friday, February 20, 2015

Universal Dimensions

     A rather unexplained theory proposes a suggestion of the presence of eleven infinite dimensions in our universe. This makes no sence to me. "Our universe is Four Dimensional (4-D). These dimensions include but aren't limited to: Length, Width, Depth and Time." (Sci-Fi Central, post: Understanding the World of Science Fiction. Published: March 14, 2013.) 

     Space is made up of the first three dimensions: Length, Width and Depth, all working closely together. 

Image by Alexander Barnum

Wednesday, August 27, 2014


     Forces have perhaps the most profound impact on the Universe and it's inhabitants. Some of the well known forces of the Universe are gravity, motion, friction, and magnetism.

    I'd say motion is among the most present and abundant of these forces. I believe this is true, hence motion is present when objects and organisms release stored potential energy. 

     Planets are one example of a universal entity in constant motion. Although each planet rotates and revolves around the Sun at different rates, they are still in motion.

     If an object is in motion, it has kinetic energy. If an object is completely stationary, it has potential energy.

              Why is this relevant? 

     Understanding the difference between kenitic and potential energy helps to describe the relative nature of energy in any situation to interpret if a force is driving a particular object. 

     When an object has kinetic energy, the force that transfered the object's potential energy to kinetic can be identified by a variety of ways. This cannot be done until the object has stopped moving.

            There's a bit of a catch…

     Sir. Issac Newton once stated that an object in motion tends to stay in motion, where as, an object at rest tends to stay at rest.

     This simply means that if were to throw a basketball towards a hoop, that ball will keep moving until it makes contact with the hoop. 

   If I were to roll a bowling ball down a lane, it will keep going, but it will be meeting up with another force that will gradually slow it down as soon as it hits the lane. 

     Although gravity somewhat comes into play here, the bowling ball will gradually continue to slow down until it makes contact with the pins located at the other end of the lane. 

     Depending on the amount of force exerted on the bowling ball, it may or may not make contact with the pins. 

     The number of pins you knock down will depend on if, or how much kenetic energy is transferred to the pins from the bowling ball, and that's a slightly different ball game.

     Crazy huh?

Image by Alexander Barnum

What is a Singularity?

     A Singularity is basically the same thing as a Cosmic Hole. As mentioned in another post, "there are three types of Cosmic Holes, Black Holes, Wormholes and White Holes." (Sci-Fi Central, post: Cosmic Holes. Published: December 2, 2013.)

     When a singularity, created by the destruction of a dense star occurs, it is a rip in the fabric of SpaceTime. 

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Universal Expansion and Reversal

     Throughout the course of time, our universe expanded into what we see today. The universe started out with expanding from a small point, in an event known as the Big Bang. I have heard of one theory that describes a repetitive event over the course of some trillion years where the universe expands and contracts. Confused? 

     Think of it this way... The Big Bang happened about 14 Billion years ago. At that point, the universe was erupting into existence. Imagine after adding some trillion years from that point to where the universe may expand to its maximum possible potential, then imagine it beginning to collapse back on itself. I made up this theory myself. 

     However, it does make me wonder what questions we could ask ourselves, or what questions I would ask myself, or even perhaps what questions you would ask yourself. 

     Even I am already asking some questions about my theory. Not just about its reliability, but rather… its potential. What potential does this theory have at being widely accepted? I could spin a yarn of reasons about why this theory has potential, but when it comes down to a decision between yes and no, I have to leave it up to whoever may read about it. 

     The questions I have about my own theory are questioning the potential. What about this theory makes it feel like it has potential? Is it in its documentation alone? Or, is it in the questions behind it?

     The questions I came up with and asked myself were: What would happen then if the universe were able to collapse back on itself? Would time continually undo itself to the point of the Big Bang and just start to expand again? 

     Well… that's the thing, I really can't tell. Not yet, anyway. So, it can't hurt to theorize, right? 

     The universe has changed much since the Big Bang itself. It's no supprise to me that the universe is still changing.

     It is not in my interest to scare anyone. What will happen to the universe in the eventual future is anyone's guess. I like creating senerios that I can use to give people an idea about all of the awesome, strange and bizarre suff that can happen in Science Fiction.

     The continuous changes in the universe have the potential to cause anything to happen. We have seen many examples of these changes. From different causes, through many effects. Not just there, but here as well. On Earth.

     So the next time you get stuck between a yes and no sort of theory, it doesn't matter whether it is a theory about something you think will happen in space, or in your own life, though nothing is certain you can always be sure that your theory has potential, you just have to go forth and tell people about it. This will serve as your chance (or chances) to prove it.

     Just as I will try to prove the potential of my theory, The Theory of Universal Expansion and Reversal.

Monday, December 2, 2013

What is the Speed of Light?

     The widely accepted number for the speed of light is 186,000 miles per second. Not much is well undrstood about what happens when an object travels that fast. In our universe there is no other entity that can travel at or above the speed of light except for light itself. In reality, we cannot design modes of transportation fast enough to match the speed of light, or come close to it. 

     However, in Science Fiction, you can see this a lot. Many are starting to find that reality is even stranger than science fiction. One immediate example of this is that we are starting to find some extremely bizarre creatures on our own planet, creatures that surpriseingly don't look like they are even from here. 

     New species of animals, insects and even trees are popping up all over, most have already been here for a while, it's just that we haven't been able to search Earth's bizarre places to find them. Life is continuing to evolve, and if this is possible, what's to stop us from traveling across the stars, faster than the speed of light?

Artificial Gravity

     Artificial Gravity is perhaps a marvel of an idea in Science Fiction. Generating gravity while suspended in space can't be successfully acompolished unless an object sustains a constant rotation. In a lot of stuff I have seen (Tv Shows, Movies, Comics) with some degree of science fiction incorporated in them, the ships that the characters travel in seem to have A.G.

Time Travel

     The universe is made up of four dimensions. Three of them make up space. The other one is time. Time differs from place to place. Time in Lansing, Michigan is different than it is in Chicago, Illinois. Suppose it is nearly sunset, and you are standing in Lansing, you may not completly know the turrain, or all of the street signs, but thats ok. I can tell you that sunset in Lansing is normally an hour faster than what is observed in Chicago. Our system of measuring these types of variations in time are known as Time Zones. Chicago is measured in Central Time. lansing is measured in Eastern Time.

     Though time is relative, it is not the same throughout the universe. Time on Earth moves differently than out in space. Time actually moves slower on planets. This is because gravity has a property that slows down time. As a result, astronauts working in orbit of Earth age a little faster than people on the ground.

     Many have speculated what time travel is and it's possibility, but what is it? 

Cosmic Holes

     Cosmic Holes are points in space where physics tends to act different than how we normally perceive our universe. Black Holes and Wormholes are two primary examples of cosmic holes. A Back Hole is a singularity resulting from the violent compression of the remnants of dying stars. As massive stars die, they create a violent massive and deadly explosion called a Supernova. A Black Hole does not form from the death of every star. That is to say a Black Hole is not created from every Supernova. There have been many observable instances of  supernovae (this refers to more than one supernova) that have dazzled ancient civilizations for centuries. 

     Every Supernova seems to give off an incredible amount of deadly gamma radiation, as well as other forms of radiation like Infrared (IR), Microwave, Visual Light, Ultraviolet (UV) and Radio Waves. 

     A lot of Supernovae often unnoticed. When a star emits light, that light is sent across the universe. Though the energy emitted is traveling at the speed of light, it still takes time to reach earth. Even though our sun is our closest neighbouring star, it still takes the light emitted from it to reach Earth. We know that the amount of time it takes light from the sun to reach Earth is about eight minutes. Try to imagine that with other stars. 

     It is often thought of that if we were to look out in to the universe, we are looking back in time. This may sound insane and crazy, but suppose I'm using a telescope and I'm using to gaze directly at the sun (don't try this with out a special filter by the way, this would possibly cause permanent eye damage) I would be seeing the light emitted from the sun as it was eight minutes ago. If I were gazing at stars further away I would be seeing further back in time. 

     So in a way, a telescope could be thought of a time machine of sorts. Does time travel seem as impossible as you thought? 

     It seems frustrating that we are not able to completely keep tabs on the rate at which most Supernovae occur, but I'm confident that we will be able to create better telescopes that will be able to help us get and become accurate at predicting when stars will go supernova.

     There is a theory that Black Holes have the capability to generate wormholes. A Wormhole is a tunnel through space that is often thought of as a shortcut to your destination. When you pass through the event horizon of a Black Hole the traveler is sent through a wormhole to what could be another dimension or universe. 

     From what scientists have noticed, no one can really survive a trip through a Black Hole. The high amount of gravity generated by the Black Hole would cause a lot of friction and G-Forces resulting in a large amount of heat and pressure that coud literally tear your spaceship into pieces. Light cannot even escape the intense gravitational pull of a Black Hole. We have not been able to explore, nor prove the existence of Wormholes, but Albert Einstein was convinced they exist. Some physicists refer to wormholes as an EinsteinRosen bridge.

Friday, September 13, 2013

The Illusion of Solidity

     Everything we see including solid structures are in a constant state of vibration, this is due to subatomic particles called electrons. The electrical charge of electrons are negative. Protons have a positive electrical charge. The chemical make up of each structure is dictated by the variations of the charges between electrons and protons. 

     Water for instance contains both Hydrogen and Oxygen. Hydrogen has one proton, and possibly one neutron, it depends. Oxygen however is quite different than hydrogen, the reason for that is the number of protons. For instance, Oxygen has eight protons. Protons and electrons are the reason why there are different structures. Atomic structures make up molecules and so they make up structures that are in different states of matter.

     In a solid structure, the molecules are closer together and give this structure it's solid appearance. In a liquid structure, like water for instance, the molecules can allow for other structures to pass through it. In a gas structure, the molecules are far enough apart and are at a low enough concentration that the structure of a gas itself appears invisible to us. We know Oxygen is there when we run fast, jump or move around. Oxygen at room temperature is a gas and this allows us to breathe it.

The Concept of Nothing

     There simply is no absolute variation of the number zero. In mathematics, especially algebra, zero is basically a place holder. On the Kelvin scale (unit measuring temperatures) there is not a digit that represents zero or negative values. Freezing an object to the point of zero on the Kelvin scale is not possible. This is true for the electrons in an atom, there is always going to be movement within an atomic structure. With this said, there is always a little bit of electron movement with in any structure, even if it's cold. 

     The same reason that nothing can be truly frozen is the same exact reason structures have an illusion of solidity.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Universe is Specific

     The Universe has rules, laws, regulations, and limitations with all the fixings. These parameters are not clearly defined to humanity, they remain a mystery like the Universe itself. We are trying to understand these parameters as well as understanding the Universe. We know that the Universe is everything in existence and it contains reality. I do not believe there is only one universe. I believe there are millions upon millions of universes and inside each one contains a different version of reality. We call these differences Alternate Realities.

     Einstein was among the first to interpret what these parameters were saying. Newton was also on to something when he first discovered gravity, it wasnt a dimention in its own right, but it was a property of physics alone. Newton's law of Conservation of Energy (the belief that energy cannot be created or destroyed) is still widely accepted today and it can even be applied to Black Holes. 

     There is no exception to this law, however, energy can be transformed, take light for example, it can be transformed into heat, electric and mechanical energy. Another fabulous example is where electric energy can be transformed into sound waves with the use of a magnet and a peice of loose plastic. The magnet transformes eletric pulses into sound but the sound itself causes the plastic to vibrate releasing soundwaves at diferent audible pitches. Our ears do the exact same thing except in reverse, our ears take in sound and transform it into electrical pulses which can be interpreted by the brain. 

     See, like the universe, we are specific as well. Alexander Gram-Bell was an inventor after Edison's time. His invention, the Telephone is another great example of energy transformation, it works by transfering sound into pulses of light not electricity (so dont be alarmed when there's a thunderstorm and you're on the phone). Black Holes may be able to do the same thing too, they may be able to transform matter into energy and return it back to its original state on the other side. When you emerge on the other side you may enter another universe which will contain an Alternate Reality (another version of our own reality). 

     As I mentioned in an earlier post, some things in an Alternate Reality will be identical but different, for example in the reality you visit, the person that is the  physical equivalent to you could be dead. If you visit a reality where the person that is the physical equivalent to you happens to be alive, then the person visiting that reality will eventually die from cellular breakdown. This process is slow, get out of that reality while you still can. So you see, travel to another universe could also prove to be tragic in the end, but in a realm of infinite possibilities, there really is no end to anythings existence.

What to Take With You When Traveling to Another Universe?

     There could be many answers to this question, this is because each person who answers will have a unique opinion. The best answer anyone can give is to bring only things that can be of benefit to ones own survival. For example companionship, a pet or close friend. Another good example could be food. The point is only take what you need and don't be greedy, don't be a thief, and obey whatever governmental laws that happen to exist when you reach the destination. Often you'll see that food will be rationed (put on a strong limit), don't be alarmed, this is because there is no surplus of food around in the area, and it is just a precaution so that no one goes with out food and so it doesn't run out until the next time your group will be able to find and stock up on food.

     Be sure to take lots of notes of your surroundings, you'll be in space, so there has to be something that will peak your curiosity. Be creative, you could attempt to invent something that could benefit survival or just make life in space a little more bearable and tolerable. At this point even a little entertainment could be of use, something like singing can boost morale. Try to find something fun for yourself to do and stick to it. My favorite thing to do by myself is to run around a fairly large room. You also could try to invent a new game and teach others in your group how to play, some may like the idea and get hooked on playing the game, where others may not be so keen about it, if they simply refuse, leave them alone about it and let them do something that they think is fun.


The Multiverse

     Our universe is everything we know that exists, it also containes reality. However our universe may not be the only one. I believe that an infinite amount of universes exist within a 4 dimentional plane called The Miltiverse. The universes are also 4 dimensional. Unlike our universe, Earth and the surrounding planets as well as surrounding moons and the Sun are all 3 dimensional.

      We don't know much about the Multiverse, really the only thing we know about it is that it contains infinite universes. We have theorized that bridges can form between universes, these bridges are now called Wormholes. In theory Wormholes exist all over every universe at a point smaller than that of an atom, but in order to travel through them, they must be opened and held open until the object can pass through, then it closes. However they cannot open without a special energy source, which does not exist in the first three dimensions. In order to find it you must be able to travel outside of SpaceTime (our four dimensional realm) and this is not possible under ordinary conditions. 

      It is possible when our universe naturally creates a point where the laws of physics break down. This physical break begins when a star runs out of its hydrogen gas and begins producing heavy helium elements. Smaller stars will begin collapsing and thus violent nuclear reactions occur that lead to an eventual explosion. However when larger Stars burn all of their hydrogen, they begin collapsing too, but the Star is big enough, it will not explode. The Star's gravity is strong enough to prevent it from exploding in an event we know as a Supernova. 

     Instead of causing a Supernova it continues to shrink and it disappears from human preception, but it's still there. It's no longer a star, but a very dense object, so dense in fact, that it eventually will have a new name. For the meantime we call the event where a star doesn't explode but continues to shrink an Un-nova. Un-novas have been known to lead to the formation of an extremely dense object in space called a Black Hole. A Black Hole is a dense region in space where objects, no matter how dense, can't escape its intense gravitational pull. 

     This gravitational pull is strong enough that even light cant escape. It is my belief that a Black Hole begins collecting large amount of Negative energy which is widely known to be able to open a wormhole and hold it open. It is also my belief that Black Holes are where wormholes can naturally be held open. Finding a Black Hole is easy, a Black Hole will even pull in other stars around it, some will even orbit it. 

     Finding a Black Hole is one thing, traveling through one is another. The intense gravity can create friction which can influence the the creation of heat. Intense gravity equals intense heat. We're talking about temperatures hotter than about 160 degrees Fahrenheit, not as hot as the sun, but definetly hotter than fire.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Understanding the World of Science Fiction

     Matter that comes close to a black hole becomes completely scrambled, this is because of the holographic principal. As an object falls into a black hole, it leaves a mark on both the event horizon and on the holographic surface and emits radiation. Science Fiction states that black holes can generate wormholes.

     Wormholes are a tunnel through the fabric of Space-Time. A wormhole is smaller than the size of an atom. To travel between two universes you need to open the wormhole so that matter can be sent through. This can be done by using Negative Energy, but we need a constant supply of it.

     In theory, this can already happen in a black hole. Negative Energy is antigravitational. Negative Energy prevents gravity from crushing a wormhole. In our version of reality, Negative Energy doesn't exist, but lets pretend it does exist. If you were to fall into a black hole, you would be compressed and you would travel from one universe to another.

     In the other universe, things will be different, you will be reconstructed and you will arrive at the parallel universe through a White Hole. Things will appear to be opposite of things in our universe, but you will find that some things will appear to be almost identical to what you would see in our universe and some things will be completely different.

     If a black hole could generate a wormhole and hold it open then all the matter that went into the event horizon would be compressed and go through the wormhole. When the compressed matter reaches the other side of the wormhole, it is reconstructed and expands as it passes through the event horizon of a white hole in a parallel universe.

     The speed of light is 186,000 Miles Per Second. If we sent our fastest ship (capable of traveling close to the speed of light) and send it through the wormhole, then there is a possibility we get there at a month or a year sooner. Our universe is Four Dimensional (4-D). These dimensions include but aren't limited to: Length, Width, Depth and Time.