Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Universe is Specific

     The Universe has rules, laws, regulations, and limitations with all the fixings. These parameters are not clearly defined to humanity, they remain a mystery like the Universe itself. We are trying to understand these parameters as well as understanding the Universe. We know that the Universe is everything in existence and it contains reality. I do not believe there is only one universe. I believe there are millions upon millions of universes and inside each one contains a different version of reality. We call these differences Alternate Realities.

     Einstein was among the first to interpret what these parameters were saying. Newton was also on to something when he first discovered gravity, it wasnt a dimention in its own right, but it was a property of physics alone. Newton's law of Conservation of Energy (the belief that energy cannot be created or destroyed) is still widely accepted today and it can even be applied to Black Holes. 

     There is no exception to this law, however, energy can be transformed, take light for example, it can be transformed into heat, electric and mechanical energy. Another fabulous example is where electric energy can be transformed into sound waves with the use of a magnet and a peice of loose plastic. The magnet transformes eletric pulses into sound but the sound itself causes the plastic to vibrate releasing soundwaves at diferent audible pitches. Our ears do the exact same thing except in reverse, our ears take in sound and transform it into electrical pulses which can be interpreted by the brain. 

     See, like the universe, we are specific as well. Alexander Gram-Bell was an inventor after Edison's time. His invention, the Telephone is another great example of energy transformation, it works by transfering sound into pulses of light not electricity (so dont be alarmed when there's a thunderstorm and you're on the phone). Black Holes may be able to do the same thing too, they may be able to transform matter into energy and return it back to its original state on the other side. When you emerge on the other side you may enter another universe which will contain an Alternate Reality (another version of our own reality). 

     As I mentioned in an earlier post, some things in an Alternate Reality will be identical but different, for example in the reality you visit, the person that is the  physical equivalent to you could be dead. If you visit a reality where the person that is the physical equivalent to you happens to be alive, then the person visiting that reality will eventually die from cellular breakdown. This process is slow, get out of that reality while you still can. So you see, travel to another universe could also prove to be tragic in the end, but in a realm of infinite possibilities, there really is no end to anythings existence.

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