Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Multiverse

     Our universe is everything we know that exists, it also containes reality. However our universe may not be the only one. I believe that an infinite amount of universes exist within a 4 dimentional plane called The Miltiverse. The universes are also 4 dimensional. Unlike our universe, Earth and the surrounding planets as well as surrounding moons and the Sun are all 3 dimensional.

      We don't know much about the Multiverse, really the only thing we know about it is that it contains infinite universes. We have theorized that bridges can form between universes, these bridges are now called Wormholes. In theory Wormholes exist all over every universe at a point smaller than that of an atom, but in order to travel through them, they must be opened and held open until the object can pass through, then it closes. However they cannot open without a special energy source, which does not exist in the first three dimensions. In order to find it you must be able to travel outside of SpaceTime (our four dimensional realm) and this is not possible under ordinary conditions. 

      It is possible when our universe naturally creates a point where the laws of physics break down. This physical break begins when a star runs out of its hydrogen gas and begins producing heavy helium elements. Smaller stars will begin collapsing and thus violent nuclear reactions occur that lead to an eventual explosion. However when larger Stars burn all of their hydrogen, they begin collapsing too, but the Star is big enough, it will not explode. The Star's gravity is strong enough to prevent it from exploding in an event we know as a Supernova. 

     Instead of causing a Supernova it continues to shrink and it disappears from human preception, but it's still there. It's no longer a star, but a very dense object, so dense in fact, that it eventually will have a new name. For the meantime we call the event where a star doesn't explode but continues to shrink an Un-nova. Un-novas have been known to lead to the formation of an extremely dense object in space called a Black Hole. A Black Hole is a dense region in space where objects, no matter how dense, can't escape its intense gravitational pull. 

     This gravitational pull is strong enough that even light cant escape. It is my belief that a Black Hole begins collecting large amount of Negative energy which is widely known to be able to open a wormhole and hold it open. It is also my belief that Black Holes are where wormholes can naturally be held open. Finding a Black Hole is easy, a Black Hole will even pull in other stars around it, some will even orbit it. 

     Finding a Black Hole is one thing, traveling through one is another. The intense gravity can create friction which can influence the the creation of heat. Intense gravity equals intense heat. We're talking about temperatures hotter than about 160 degrees Fahrenheit, not as hot as the sun, but definetly hotter than fire.

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