Monday, December 2, 2013

Time Travel

     The universe is made up of four dimensions. Three of them make up space. The other one is time. Time differs from place to place. Time in Lansing, Michigan is different than it is in Chicago, Illinois. Suppose it is nearly sunset, and you are standing in Lansing, you may not completly know the turrain, or all of the street signs, but thats ok. I can tell you that sunset in Lansing is normally an hour faster than what is observed in Chicago. Our system of measuring these types of variations in time are known as Time Zones. Chicago is measured in Central Time. lansing is measured in Eastern Time.

     Though time is relative, it is not the same throughout the universe. Time on Earth moves differently than out in space. Time actually moves slower on planets. This is because gravity has a property that slows down time. As a result, astronauts working in orbit of Earth age a little faster than people on the ground.

     Many have speculated what time travel is and it's possibility, but what is it? 

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